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Certificate in Change Management and Leadership (CCML)

Successful organisational change requires both management in terms of resources, direction and procedures and leadership in terms of communication, vision and obtaining support.

Certificate in Change Management and Leadership (CCML)

Successful organisational change requires both management in terms of resources, direction and procedures and leadership in terms of communication, vision and obtaining support. To make change effective, we need to fully understand the reasons, drivers, barriers and more.

The course has the following objectives:
1. To understand the meaning and nature of change and transition, why change is needed and what makes change successful.
2. To develop the knowledge, skills and mindset need to both lead and manage change.
3. To have a range of tools for assessing the feasibility of change and likelihood of success.
4. To be able to manage stakeholders in times of change.
5. To know why change might fail and how this can be avoided.

By the end of this course, you will:
1. Understand the meaning of change, reasons for change, the links between change and organisational culture, what makes change successful and why change might fail.
2. Know how change leadership compare and contrast, and what leadership styles might occur in times of change.
3. Understand the steps to change and how to manage different stakeholders in times of change.
4. Have developed the tools, approaches, knowledge, hard and soft skills, and mindset required to be an effective leader of change.
5. Have analysed and evaluated real-life case studies of change in organisations.

Target Audience:
The course will be of interest to anyone who:
- will or may be called upon to lead and manage change at any level
- wishes to develop their leadership and management capabilities in general
- is interested in change and improvement
- is involved in any capacity on organisational change
- wishes to develop their critical and analytical skills linked to change

The course has the following content:
- The meaning of “change” and types of change
- Change and organisational culture
- The causes of change and the need for change
- Change management vs. change leadership
- An examination of Kotter’s eight steps (including the “sense of urgency”)
- Mapping and managing stakeholders in times of change
- Using a force field analysis
- Decision making and considering impacts
- Communication and influencing in times of change
- Why change might fail
- Case study analysis on change in organisations

The course will be assessed by the trainee's choice of one of the following:
1. A speculative proposal for a plan for a change
2. A reflective assignment detailing application of the training at work

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