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Certified 5S Professional (C5SP)

5S is a unique methodological approach that can be used as a tool for improving organisation, order and efficiency through a focus on everything having a use and place. Successful implementation of 5S in the workplace can increase productivity and personal effectiveness while reducing waste, disorder and stress. These concepts can be applied in production or administration and can improve both working and home lives.

Certified 5S Professional (C5SP)


5S is a unique tool, approach, methodology for improving organisation, order and efficiency through a focus on everything having a use and place. Successful implementation of 5S in the workplace can increase productivity and personal effectiveness while reducing waste, disorder and stress. These concepts can be applied in production or administration and can improve both working and home lives.

The 5 ‘S’s are:


The course has the following objectives:
(1) To understand the meaning and principles of the 5S concept and know how, when and why it can be applied.
(2) To know the order of the 5S process and how to implement each stage of 5S.
(3) To know how, when and where 5S could be applied at work and at home.
(4) To be able to highlight a range of benefits that 5S has.
(5) To understand what resistance may be faced when implementing a 5S project and how this resistance can be overcome.


By the end of this course, you will:
(1) Understand what 5S is and what it involves.
(2) Know the original, translated and amended meaning of each “S”.
(3) Know where 5S can be applied at work and home.
(4) Know how and why changes as a result of 5S can should be maintained in working practices.
(5) Know how changes as a result of 5S can be maintained in working practices.
(6) Be able to overcome resistance to the implementation of 5S and “sell” the benefits of 5S to others.

Total Learning Hours:

This course will take requires approximately 15 hours of self-study to complete. Additional hours though this does depend on the length and depth of the project you undertake as part of your assignment.

Target Audience:

The course will be of interest to anyone who:
- has come across the 5S concept and wishes to learn more
- needs to better organise themselves or their workplace
- is involved in change management and change leadership
- is involved in leading workplace improvements
- is managing process improvements in the workplace


The course has covers the following content:
- the meaning of 5S
- the 5S process
- the benefits of 5S implementation
- Sorting, its meaning and how it is conducted
- Use of “red tags”
- Setting, its meaning and how it is conducted
- Shining, its meaning and how it is conducted
- Standardising, its meaning and how it is conducted
- Sustaining, its meaning and how it is conducted
- Overcoming resistance to implementation of a 5S project


The course is assessed by a short project in which 5S is applied at work or at home.


£69 (GBP) / €79 (EUR) including course materials, assessment and certification.

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